Drug Addiction Treatment Lakewood CO

Entering a program for drug addiction treatment in Colorado is a major step to changing the lives of those dealing with substance abuse. Drug abuse treatment plans offered at Rocky Mountain Detox provide a safe environment for addicts to detoxify with the help of trained professionals using the safest techniques and processes through each stage of the process of recovery.

Over 20 million American adults are estimated to need some sort of substance abuse treatment, according to a 2015 report by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). [1] When the decision has been made that help is needed to get back on track to living a sober, healthy life, the staff of healthcare professionals at Rocky Mountain Detox works to create the most effective and safe treatment for drug rehab in Lakewood, CO.

What is Drug Addiction Treatment in Colorado?

An addiction to drugs and alcohol can destroy the life of the not only the person using the substance, but also those around them. Families are decimated and businesses are often left in ruins when substance abuse takes hold and help is not sought. A drug rehabilitation center, or drug rehab in Lakewood, CO, is designed to provide a path for addicts to get sober and provide the tools necessary to stay that way.

Rocky Mountain Detox understands how substance abuse works. Our drug treatment center in Lakewood works with patients to determine the underlying issues that contributes to their individual condition. Doctors and therapists use varying methods and techniques customized to each person’s needs in order to improve their chances of long-term recovery.

Drug Addiction Symptoms

Over time, drug abuse will change the way the brain works and lead to a wide range of physical and psychological changes that can linger for a long time and cause significant damage in a variety of ways. [2] For most people, substance abuse winds up changing how they look and act.

The following are common symptoms that those addicted to drugs or alcohol frequently display:

  • Red or bloodshot eyes
  • Dilated or constricted pupils
  • Physical, emotional withdrawal from loved ones
  • Mood swings and sudden, unexplained behavioral changes
  • Neglecting personal hygiene and grooming
  • Sudden, dramatic, unexplained weight fluctuations
  • Drastic changes in sleeping patterns
  • Lethargy and general lack of interest in daily life
  • Shaking, tremors, or slurred speech
  • Sudden, unexpected financial problems

Long-term effects of sustained substance abuse can lead to poor judgment and decision-making, loss of memory, and the ability to learn and function in daily life activities.

Options for Drug Addiction Treatment in Lakewood, CO

At Rocky Mountain Detox, experienced staff of healthcare professionals offers a wide range of options for drug rehab in Colorado catered to each person’s individual circumstances and specific needs. Compassionate doctors and therapists specialize in inpatient medical detox programs and varying treatment programs, including:

Contact Rocky Mountain Detox Today

For complete information on the highly effective dual diagnosis treatment in Lakewood, CO available from drug and alcohol treatment professionals, contact Rocky Mountain Drug Treatment Center in Lakewood.

[1] https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUH-DetTabs-2015/NSDUH-DetTabs-2015/NSDUH-DetTabs-2015.pdf

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